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Tiki Gift Idea for Summertime Fun in the Sun


Summer is upon us and it’s time to bust out the pool floats, the beach balls, and most importantly, the tequila! This theme gift idea, is one that I did for my sister’s birthday. (Don’t worry, I already gave it to her). She just moved into a new place and loves her new backyard. So, this gift works on a few levels – housewarming, birthday celebrations, backyard fun, and did I mention tequila? I gathered many items to put this tiki gift combo together. Let’s run through them:

What you’ll need: Tray, Bucket, Fun Glasses, Mini Tequila Bottles, Paper Drink Umbrellas, Hand Towels, Summer Sign, Scotch Tape, Cellophane, Scissors, Ribbon, Shot Glasses, any other fun themed items you want!

Tiki Gift Backbone

Let’s start with the outer shell. I got a tray with a quote, because my sister LOVES quotes. It also had the galvanized metal (which is so popular at the moment). This cute tray came from an interior design shop that I work at. So, for your tray, you’ll get to be creative! Think about the person you are giving it to, their home style, and what they’ll be using it for. You probably don’t want to go with a super breakable one, since we are creating an outdoor party situation. Now we need a drink bucket. I’m happy to report this little bucket in my gift came from Walmart and was $3! They also had some with colorful accents like pink or orange (not my sister’s vibe). But, you’ll have options.

Tiki Glasses

Ok, for the glasses. I found these super cute guys at, you guessed it, Walmart! I chose to go with one of each style for variety. But, if you wanted, you could get four of the same kind and do a set. Alternatively, if there isn’t a Walmart near you, you can find the pineapple version and some other cute options at Bevmo.

Tiki Gift Beverages

Speaking of Bevmo, hello tiny tequilas! I found these little guys and decided to try them in the gift for a few reasons. First, they are much more cost effective than a whole bottle of tequila. Second, getting the small ones means that I could get her a few different flavors to try. The ones I landed on were: Grapefruit and Pineapple Jalapeno. I got two of each and put them in the bucket.

Tiki Gift Supporting Items

Now that you have the basics for your tiki gift idea, we need to fill in the gift with little extras to fill it out. I was going with a whole neon theme, so I found neon shot glasses and party umbrellas at Party City. Back at Walmart, I found the dish towel, the “Fun in the Sun” sign and the funny margarita card. My sister and I often go out for margaritas (or as we call them, margs).  These little items really fill out the gift, add some color and make it look extra special.

Tiki Gift – Finished Product

Finally, our good old friend cellophane. I used a rolled cellophane instead of a bag because this sucker was large. And it’s pretty simple, fold up and tie closed with ribbon. Sometimes, depending on the size, it does require taping down the cellophane on the sides. The nice thing about having this gift in a tray is that it’s easy to carry! Plus the person receiving your gift can carry their new Tiki tequila drinks on it!

To add that extra dose of happiness to your sunshine gift, I have a free download for you: happiness cards! These little guys can be cut up and used as tags, or placed inside your tiki gift to add some extra sweetness. Enter your name and email below to receive the freebie happiness cards. You’ll also get email updates from the blog with new themes, gift ideas and, of course, freebies!

Happy summer partying!


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